E-Newsletter 15
Late November 2003
- COOPE BOYES SIMPSON et al – HARVEST HOME. Our next Concert Special takes place next Tuesday (25th) at the Early Music Centre. Harvest Home is a celebration of the traditional harvest in words and music. Folk songs are combined with readings in what The Guardian called "a splendid seasonal pot pourri". And what singing! To quote a review in Surrey Folk News:
"Those of us who thought that Coope, Boyes and Simpson probably made the most sublime sound in folk music were wrong. Add the Fraser sisters and Georgina Boyes to the mix and you have something utterly transcendent."
There are still tickets available for this one. You can book or reserve by ‘phone or online at the NCEM box office (www.ncem.co.uk / boxoffice@ncem.co.uk / 01904 658338). Alternatively, Cassadys Records on Gillygate can sell to personal callers, or ring me and I’ll set aside tickets for collection on the door.
As usual at the NCEM it will be a prompt 7.30pm start, and note that there is no warm-up act - the Harvest Home singers will be on stage straight away. Note also that they will be singing without PA, utilising the superb natural acoustics of the NCEM auditorium. - WINTER PROGRAMME LEAFLET & BEYOND. Our next programme flyer is now with the printers. It covers three months December to February. You’ll see that our last NCEM concert of 2003 is the Artisan Christmas Show on 22nd December. This one is already 40% sold, with several group bookings from work and family groups. It’s a great show with wide-ranging appeal – why not organise a trip with a group of your friends or work colleagues?
Meanwhile at the Black Swan we always try to end one year and start the next with first class guests: this year that means Nancy Kerr & James Fagan (Dec 11, tickets now on sale) and Bob Fox (Jan 8, pay at the door)
The 2004 club diary is filling up fast. Spring highlights include return visits by Roy Bailey (April 22), Hans Theessink (May 13) and Threlfall Ellison Edwards (May 27), plus debuts by Simon Howarth & Andy May (of the Bad Pennies, April 29) and Michael Marra (May 20). Looking even further head, we have dates for Steve Tilston, Cockersdale, Kieran Halpin, Cathryn Craig & Brian Willoughby, Bram Taylor, Sara Grey and others. Several NCEM concert bookings are also under discussion. - JOHN McCUSKER AT THE EARLY MUSIC CENTRE. A reminder that the good people at the National Centre for Early Music are promoting a concert by John McCusker and friends on Monday 15th December. John was last seen at the NCEM accompanying his partner Kate Rusby. This time he takes centre stage, leading a band which also includes Andy Cutting, Ian Carr and Kris Drever. Tickets have been selling fast and as of last Wednesday (19 November) there were only about 45 left. All bookings are through the NCEM Box Office – because it is not a Black Swan gig I do not have tickets to sell at Cassadys or at the club.
- PETER ROWAN AT THE BAND ROOM IN FARNDALE. While plugging other promoters’ gigs, here’s a mention for The Band Room in deepest Farndale (www.thebandroom.co.uk). This unusual venue in a small hall at Low Mill has built up something of a cult reputation over the last couple of years. They specialise in new/alt country plus some jazz, blues, rock and folk stuff. On Saturday 29th November its American bluegrass legend Peter Rowan, long a favourite in our household. We have fond memories of a classic Rowan Brothers show promoted by Chris Laurence years ago at The Winning Post in York and so we’ll be making the trek into the Moors for this latest gig. Interested? Check out both the venue’s web-site (above) and Peter’s (www.peter-rowan.com).
- CLASSIFIEDS AGAIN - MUSICIAN WANTED! I recently had an e-mail from musicians in the Scarborough area hoping to form a "Fairport Convention style band". They are looking for a fiddle/mandolin/guitar player or players. Anyone interested should contact Mick Pepe on Zzzrecords@aol.com
- LOCAL ARTISTS ON CD. One of the club’s resident poets, Tony Morris, has just issued his first CD. Changing Tracks contains 15 poems in a range of styles, accompanied in Tony’s own inimitable way on a variety of musical instruments – 11 in all – from his extensive collection. Collar Tony on Thursday nights if you want to know more! Word also reaches us that local trio OLA are putting the finishing touches to a new album, their first since singer Bella Hardy joined the band. More news in due course.
That’s all for now. There’ll probably be one more E-Newsletter before Christmas. Meanwhile, keep supporting live music!