Virtual Folk Club
While the club's closed we're organising a Black Swan Virtual Folk Club on YouTube.
The club nights are being uploaded as a series of Playlists with a new one every Thursday.
22nd October 2020 - Sam Kelly and Jamie Francis
Sam Kelly and Jamie Francis were scheduled to be guests at the Black Swan Folk Club at the beginning of this month, but the gig of course didn't happen. Never mind we have 6 clips of them performing songs for our 'Virtual' Club this evening. Starting off the club tonight are Pilgrim's Way who last performed live for us in May 2019. Hopefully we'll be seeing both them and Sam and Jamie in person at the club in the not too distant future. Following Pilgrim's Way is Sharon Garner with a fine version of 'First Cut is the Deepest'.
Previous Events
24th June 2021
This is our final 'Virtual' weekly folk club although we'll still be posting videos and playlists from time to time and we'll be keeping all the 'Virtual' Folk Clubs we've posted so far up here on our You Tube channel, so you can keep watching. As it's the last one we have a slightly longer playlist this week and we're presenting a mixture of songs provided by Black Swan Folk Club resident singers over the last eighteen months or so. We have 'houseband' Ramshackle, Judith Haswell, Stan Graham, Chris Euesden, Phil Cerny, Paula Ryan, Eddie Affleck and Toni Bunnell. Plus three forthcoming guest artists round off. The Richmond Hillbillies who will be making an appearance at our first outdoor Black Swan Folk Club event to be held on July 31st and finally a song from Jon Boden who is our special guest at The National Centre for Early Music in York this coming Monday June 28th. Two concerts both socially distanced 6pm and 8-30pm. This of course is our first live event for ages. Tickets are still available but numbers are llimited. Go to the box office at www.ncem.co.uk We hope you've enjoyed the 'Virtual' Folk Club and hope to see you soon at one of 'real' live events.
17th June 2021
Tonight's 'Virtual' Folk Club is the penultimate one and we'll be having our final 'Virtual' Folk Club with another playlist next Thursday. As things are starting to open up in just under a months time let's look forward to some 'proper' gigs. Starting off with a couple of songs from Della Mae from the USA who are scheduled to appear for us at The Crescent Club in York on Saturday September 4th (tickets now on sale from https://thecrescentyork.seetickets.co...) Then we have a tribute to the great Irish poet W B Yeats from club resident Paula Ryan. Jon Boden plays 2 shows for us at the National Centre for Early Music in York in just under 2 weeks and more tickets for these events have just been released (both concerts are under Social Distancing guidelines). Buy tickets for Jon Boden at the National Centre for Early Music in York here www.ncem.co.uk
10th June 2021
On this week's 'Virtual' club we kick off with a lovely set of tunes from Tom McConville and his band. Tom's another club favourite who we hope to see again soon. Club residents Judith Haswell and Chris Euesden follow on. Judith with the traditional song 'Fair and Tender Ladies' and Chris with his own song 'Fly Away'. Then we have a set from Clive Gregson and Liz Simcock who played a concert for us at the National Centre for Early Music in York back in November 2015. These songs are all taken from their album 'Underwater Dancing'.
3rd June 2021 - The Blues
We've got the 'Blues' at the Black Swan 'Virtual' Folk Club this week. And what a selection. All from performers who've graced the Black Swan stage over the years. Starting off with York based Gypsy Bill Williams and moving on with Steve Phillips, Dave Kelly, the late Jo-Ann Kelly and finally Brendan Croker.
27th May 2021
A real mix this week for the 'virtual' club mainly celebrating the big 80th for 2 famous octogenarians Martin Carthy and Bob Dylan, who've both had their eightieth birthdays in the last week. First off Blonde on Bob who've appeared at several of the Black Swan Summer Folk Weekends. They perform 2 Bob Dylan songs. Blonde on Bob are followed by club resident Paula Ryan who sings one of the most popular songs from her last album 'Black Swan O Black Swan'( which could be a club theme song). Then we have songs from Martin Simpson all with strong Bob Dylan connections. No doubt we'll be seeing Martin back in York soon. Then a run of clips featuring Martin Carthy who'll be appearing once again at The Black Swan Folk Club in December. The first 4 clips are book-ended with 2 versions of the song Byker Hill a classic from the Carthy Swarbrick repertoire,
20th May 2021
On this week's 'Virtual' club a mix of artists who've appeared in the club and in concert over the years. Some not for sometime, some not so long ago. All we'd be happy to see again. Bluesmen Hans Theessink and Chris Smither, songwriters Reg Meuross, Kitty Macfarlane, Mairead Green and Anna Massie and strong vocals from Bob Fox and Daoiri Farrell. But topping the bill tonight to celebrate his 80th birthday on Monday a clip from Bob Dylan no less. You might think this is a stretch but Larry Campbell guitarist to the right of Bob Dylan on this clip made an impromptu appearance at the club for us with fellow guitarist and some time Dylan sideman Dave Bromberg on 31 July 2014.
13th May 2021
A mix of styles this week on the 'Virtual' club and all looking forward to artists who we'll be seeing at the club and in concert over the coming months.Kicking off with an amazing rendition of 'Guitar Boogie' from Tommy Emmanuel & Clive Carroll. We'll be seeing Clive at the club in March 2022. Next up club resident Judith Haswell sings Joe Brown's Tickle My Heart which we can see as a birhday tribute to the man himself who is 80 years old today. (Happy Birthday Joe!) We move on to Bram Taylor an artist who suffered a last minute cancellation back at the beginning of lockdown in 2020. We'll be rescheduling another date for Bram soon. We were hoping to see Maria Dunn and Shannon Johnson from Canada at the club in September but due to the vagary of travel restrictions at the moment they've decided to postpone. So we'll be seeing them again now
6th May 2021
Another great 'Virtual' line up for this week starting with Chris Euesden and his own 'lockdown' song. Stan Graham covers a Tom Paxton classic followed by 2 fine guitar instrumentals. Firstly from the late lamented Dave Evans who last played the club back in 1981, followed by Clive Carroll who will be playing for us once again in March of next year. Growing in popularity York based The Magpies have just released a spellbinding new single and here is the accompanying video to go with it. Next up Archie Fisher sings 'Borderlands'. He last played the club in June of 2010. Grace Petrie follows. Her rescheduled concert is now booked in for 23 May 2022. Then we have a Jez Lowe song from Bob Fox, another club favourite who we hope to see back at the club soon and to finish off the inimitable Della Mae who we are presenting at York's Crescent Club on Saturday September 4th.
29th April 2021 - Future Artists
On the 'Virtual' club this week a selection of artists we're hoping to see live at the club and in concert before the end of the year. Starting off with three local names who also have a national reputation. A duo performance from Dan Webster and Josh Burnell followed by Jez Lowe with his band the Bad Pennies. Hannah Sanders and Ben Savage are booked to play the club in November and here they are with a clip from 2019 'Hidden Things'. Also due in November are the ever popular Allan Taylor and a duo making their Black Swan debut Charlie Dore and Julian Littman. On Oct 10 we have a special event in the club room with the frontman from acclaimed Irish folk rockers The Hothouse Flowers, Liam O Manolai. This one will be an afternnoon show starting at 3pm and the support is from another locally based band well known to the Black Swan Folk Club, White Sail. Here's a song from Liam recorded in 2010. Finally a couple of tunes from Eliza Carthy and members of her current band Restitute. We're presenting Eliza and the Restitute Band at the Crescent Club in York on Wednesday September 8th. This event postponed since the beginning of lockdown last year and one that's eagerly awaited.
22nd April 2021
This week's 'Virtual' club begins with another track from John Smith who we'll be seeing in concert at the NCEM in York on Sunday September 29 2021. Tickets are now on sale and here's the link tickets.ncem.co.uk/en-GB/shows/john%20smith/events. Next up a couple of songs from Miranda Sykes and Rex Preston who we last saw at the club in April 2015. Then we have three 'lockdown' videos from our friend Duncan McFarlane who is accompanied by Anne Brivonese on 'Bed of Straw'. Finally rounding off with a couple of in concert performances from two more club favourites Nancy Kerr and James Fagan.
15th April 2021 - Singer Songwriters
Three singer-songwriters on the 'Virtual' folk club for us this week. Club resident Judith Haswell starts off with her own song The Eyemouth Fishing Disaster. John Tams and Barry Coope played a Black Swan Folk Club concert for us at the National Centre for Early Music in May 2009 Here is John and an unseen Barry singing 'Will I See Thee More'. One of our biggest scoops at the Black Swan was managing to secure 60s folk legend Eric Andersen to play a gig in the club room. That was in May 2008. Eric is still performing, and here are a few fairly recent clips of him plus one doing his most celebrated song Thirsty Boots back in 1976.
8th April 2021 - Residents Night with special guests Paul O'Brien and Della Mae
A little later than usual but tonight's Virtual Folk Club is up there now on our You Tube Channel Black Swan Folk Club York UK with Club residents Stan Graham Judith Haswell, Paula Ryan, Steve&Dee Marshall and Chris Euesden plus special appearances from Paul O'Brien and Della Mae who we're presenting in concert 4 September at the Crescent Club York.
1st April 2021 - Future Artists
On the 'Virtual' Folk Club for All Fools Day 2021 we have a distinct lack of anything foolish. Club resident Judith Haswell starts us off, followed by a string of artists who'll all be appearing at the club and in concert when things open up again. Rachel Baiman from the USA supports Della Mae at the Crescent Club on Sept 4 2021 Charlie Dore and Julian Littman are scheduled to play the club on Nov 11 with Hannah Sanders and Ben Savage guesting a few weeks earlier Thurs Nov 4. We hope to see both Andy Cutting and Martin Simpson in concert sometime during 2022. Lots to look forward to.
25th March 2021 - Rachel Sermanni and McGoldrick, McCusker and Doyle
This week on the 'Virtual' Folk Club club resident Stan Graham with one of his own songs Grace Darling, a number from The Hunch who gave us a great club night in 2019 and then two acts who we hope to see in concert later in 2021. A couple of clips from Scottish songstress Rachel Sermanni (one of them from an appearance in York) and then 3 tune sets and a song from supergroup McGoldrick, McCusker and Doyle.
18th March 2021 - St Patricks
With St Patrick's Day only just yesterday we're keeping with a mainly Irish theme tonight. Here are several great performances from Daoiri Farrell who's played for us in the club and in concert. Daoiri's another artist we're hoping to see more of 'live' in the near future. Starting off with club resident singer -songwriter John Storey with a seasonal song and then a fine version of Chris Smither's 'Leave the Light On' from The Richmond Hillbillies.
11th March 2021 - Vin Garbutt
Starting off the 'Virtual' Folk Club this week with two songs both recorded by Vin Garbutt sung by club residents Stan Graham and Judith Haswell. There's a celebration of Vin and his music this weekend 'A Celebration of the Spirit of Vin Garbutt' which starts tonight and runs through to Sunday. More information here :-www.vingarbutt.com/thegathering And as it's St Patrick's Day next Wednesday we're also including a song in Gaelic from another club resident Paula Ryan plus a selection of songs recorded over the years from the great Andy Irvine. Andy has been our guest many times and we'll be presenting him in concert once again come 2022.
4th March 2021 - Carrivick Sisters and John Smith
Black Swan Folk Club founder Paul Buckley. now living in Ireland, starts off Black Swan Folk Club this week. Paul last guested at the club in March 2018 for our 40th anniversary celebrations. On this clip Paul is accompanied by the late Johnny Dickinson, sadly missed and guest of the club on several occasions plus another old friend Clive Carroll who'll be entertaining us again in 2022. Still with 2018 we have a clip of club resident Toni Bunnell performing one of her own songs at that year's Folk Weekend . We haven't seen the Carrivick Sisters at the club since 2018 either. Here we have Charlotte with a couple of fine instrumentals before being joined by sister Laura for a version of Katy Dear. Singer-songwriter John Smith finishes off with 3 songs. We are presenting John in concert at the National Centre for Early Music in York on September 29th.
25th February 2021 - The Young 'Uns and The East Pointers.
This week's 'Virtual' club features 2 bands we've presented in concert at the NCEM and at the club. They are The Young 'Uns and Canadians The East Pointers. Residents Stan Graham and Judith Haswell are also featured. Stan with one of his own compositions and Judith singing a song by Julie Matthews.
18th February 2021 - Country, Bluegrass and Old Timey music
We have a mix of country bluegrass and old timey music in the 'Virtual' Folk Club this week. Starting off with another country standard from Michael Tavener, Helen Hutchy and Gordon McKinney with The Streets of Baltimore. Then it's on to some fiddle wizardry with a couple of old time tunes from Bruce Molsky. It's been sometime since Bruce played the Black Swan. Let's hope he'll be touring again soon and we'll be able to grab him for another appearance at the club. Finishing off with a high octane set from U.S.A. bluegrass band Della Mae who'll be appearing 'live' in concert for us at The Crescent Club in York on Sat September 4th. This date has just been moved from April. Time to update the diary and book your tickets if you haven't bought them already.
11th February 2021 - Club Favourites
Another selection of club favourites on the 'Virtual' club this evening including a song for Valentine's Day from club resident Paula Ryan and an old country standard from Gordon McKinney and Mike Tavener (who was club organiser at the Black Swan back in the day). We also have songs from Pilgrim's Way, Broom Bezzums and Clive Gregson plus some world class tunes from Clive Carroll and Tim Edey.
4th February 2021 - Cloudstreet
This week's 'virtual' club selection includes a mix of artists who've appeared at the club and in concert over the years. Featured are club resident Toni Bunnell with an appropriate song for this time of year, Geoff Lakeman with one of his own compositions, followed by Otley based Yan Tan Tether. Devonian Jim Causley is next up with 2 songs, then Alistair Anderson and Northlands give us a fine selection of tunes. To round off we have a folk veteran from North of the Border, Archie Fisher. But we begin the proceedings on a sad note with a song from Australian trio Cloudstreet who played the Black Swan on several occasions, the last time being in June 2017. It's very sad to hear that one of their number John Thompson has passed away. Our condolences to his friends and family from all at the Black Swan Folk Club.
28th January 2021 - Previous Guests
On his week's 'Virtual Club' we have a selection of artists who we've seen perform at the Black Swan Folk Club in recent years. Residents Paula Ryan and Stan Graham both sing their own songs and we also have Allan Taylor opening up with one of his most celebrated compositions.Our other guests are The Mile Roses, The Rachel Newton Trio, Bob Fox and Fairport Convention featuring club favourites Chris While and Iain Matthews.
21st January 2021 - Burns Night
We have quite a laid back selection tonight on the 'Virtual' club with a mix of local and National artists. It's Burns Night in a few days so we've included a few performers from North of the Border, Kris Drever, Jamie McClennan who performs twice, with his compatriot in the James Brothers, James Fagan and with Emily Smith. We also have songs from Cottingham Not So Live, Paul Culkin, Sharon Garner and Stan Graham, plus a lovely song from another high profile duo Hilary James and Simon Mayor.
15th January 2021 - Grace Petrie
Tonight we've got a selection of songs from singer-songwriter Grace Petrie who'll be appearing at The Crescent Club in York (co-promoted by The Black Swan Folk Club and PPY)on Monday October 25th. Check your diaries on this one because for obvious reasons we've had to change the date a few times. Tickets are still available although quite a few have been sold already. We can't wait for live music to be back again. Check the Black Swan Folk Club website for ticket details www.blackswanfolkclub.org.uk The support slot tonight is filled by Toni Bunnell with a fine tune on the hurdy gurdy.
7th January 2021 - Steve Tilston
Welcome back to our 'Virtual' Folk Club, the first one of 2021. It's customary for us to have a 'big' guest for the first show of the New Year and if everything had gone to plan Steve Tilston would have been the one to kick things off for us. Well things didn't go to plan so we have Steve playing for us 'virtually' instead. Steve talks about his friend and influence Bert Jansch, performs a live set recorded in 2016 and gives us a preview of his new album, due out in a couple of weeks. Still very relevant we're giving an airing to the While and Matthews Collaborative charity single 'Embrace' which was released back during the first Lockdown and is raising money for the mental health charity 'Mind'. Also there are resident spots from Tommy Coyle and Chris Euesden singing John Prine's 'Christmas in Prison', strangely topical, an original song from John Storey and a nice open-air fiddle tune from Toni Bunnell.
17th December 2020 - Virtual Christmas Party
Here we go with our 'Virtual' Black Swan Folk Club Christmas Party. What a shame we can't all be there 'live' as usual. This is definitely the next best thing with club residents Toni Bunnell, Pete Quinn, Chris Euesden, Stan Graham, White Sail, Paula Ryan, Paul Culkin and house band Ramshackle. We also have our friends from Cottingham Folk Club, Susie Coyle and Mary Molloy from the Isle of Man and from Canada Dave Gunning and Maria Dunn. Happy Christmas everybody.
10th December 2020 - Best of 2020
As our 'Virtual' club will be closed during the Christmas festivities (just like the real club), and with a special Christmas edition next Thurs, this week is a chance to include some of our favourite 'Virtual' club moments from this year...and if your preferences are not on the list you can still search back through the old playlists for your own favourites. See you next week for the Christmas special.
3rd December 2020 - Martin Carthy and Dick Gaughan
Around this time of year we've traditionally presented one of 2 special guests at The Black Swan Folk Club. Both folk music legends in their own right, Martin Carthy and Dick Gaughan. In fact Martin Carthy was scheduled to appear at the club tonight. We're compensating 'virtually' once again with songs from both performers. Proving the eclectic nature of the club the evening kicks off with songs from Chris Euesden and The Richmond Hillbillies.
26th November 2020 - Dave Gunning
Canadian singer-songwriter Dave Gunning played in concert for us a few years ago and we were due a return visit this month, which unfortunately was not to be. Dave will be with us we're sure sometime next year. Meanwhile here he is with 4 of his own songs for the 'Virtual' club. Already postponed from last April we've had to once again move the upcoming Eliza Carthy and Restitute concert scheduled for January onto September 8th next year. To compensate for the longer wait here's some powerful footage of Eliza with the Wayward Band. Beginning this week's 'Virtual' club are club residents Steve and Dee Marshall with a Julie Matthew's song Crane Driver.
19th November 2020 - 2021 Artists
We're featuring some artists this week who we've lined up to appear for us in York during 2021. Maria Dunn and Shannon Johnson from Canada are looking to tour next September in a rescheduled visit from this year and we're also hoping to see Jon Boden in concert for us at the NCEM. This week's show starts off with residents Paul Culkin and Stan Graham.
12th November 2020 - Scottish Performers
We thought it was time to feature some of the great Scottish performers we've seen at the Black Swan or at concerts we've promoted. So for this week's 'Virtual' get together here's a selection of performers from North of the Border who have appeared at the club or at the NCEM on our behalf in recent times. Kicking off is club resident Chris Euesden with a version of Warren Zevon's 'Don't Let Us Get Sick'.
5th November 2020 - Reg Meuross
It's the first day of the new 'lockdown' so maybe they'll be even more of you watching this week. Here's a set from acclaimed singer-songwriter Reg Meuross who last played the club to a sell out audience on September 12 2019. We'll doubtless be lining Reg up again for another guest appearance once restrictions are fully lifted and the club can reopen. Meanwhile here's a selection of a few of his most popular songs. Reg is accompanied on one number by another Black Swan favourite Phil Beer. Opening up tonight's 'Virtual' Folk Club with a topical parody is club resident Phil Cerny.
29th October 2020 - Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby
Our special guests at the 'Virtual' club this week are Cathryn Craig and Brian Willoughby, two of our favourite performers who've played at the Black Swan Folk Club many times. We are really hoping that we'll be seeing them back at the club again before too long.
8th October 2020 - Kieran Halpin
We're dedicating the whole of this week's 'Virtual' Folk Club to the acclaimed singer-songwriter Kieran Halpin who sadly passed away only a few days ago. Kieran's played the club many times over the years and we've had some great nights in his company. Thank you Kieran RIP. Kieran Halpin (1955-2020).
1st October 2020 - Stan's Favourites
This week's 'Virtual' Folk Club is curated by resident singer-songwriter Stan Graham. It's a selection of songs gathered from years of listening at the Black Swan, Festivals and Clubs. From his hero Tom Paxton, to dear friend Vin Garbutt, the wonderful voices of Judy Dinning, Maggie Boyle and John Wright. The great songwriters, James Keelaghan, Eric Bogle, Mike Silver and David Francey and the extraordinary Dick Gaughan. Stan says 'There are some great songs and performances here, I hope you enjoy them'.
27th September 2020 - Steve Tilston
Our 'Virtual' Folk Club tonight showcases a club favourite Steve Tilston. Steve will definitely be back playing for us at the Black Swan as soon as we're able to organise it. He performs five songs, one song featuring another club favourite Martin Simpson, there's a contribution from the late Vin Garbutt and a song each from club residents John Storey and David Swann.
17th September 2020 - Susie Coyle, Mary Molloy and John Ryan
Our special guests at the 'virtual' club tonight are Susie Coyle, Mary Molloy and John Ryan. They give us a fine selection of tunes and songs backed up by resident singers Stan Graham and Judith Haswell with and an 'out of town' floor spot from John and Di Cullen.
10th September 2020 - Christine Collister and Michael Fix
A selection tonight from Christine Collister and Michael Fix who gave us such a fantastic night at the club back in September 2019. They were scheduled to appear again this month but we're happy to say that we've now rescheduled that date to September 2021. This week's virtual folk club is introduced by 'house band' Ramshackle with their version of New York Girls.
3rd September 2020 - West of Eden
A special guest appearance at the 'Virtual' club this week from Swedish band West of Eden. We tried to book them at the club a couple of years ago but it didn't happen. However we're still hoping that we may see them live in York, maybe next year. Resident spots at the club tonight are filled by Phil Cerny, Judith Haswell, John Storey and Chris Euesden.
27th August 2020 - Ramshackle
House band RAMSHACKLE fill the guest spot tonight in our 'Virtual' club with 4 songs, and we also have numbers from regulars Two Black Sheep and a Stallion, Paul Culkin. David Swann and our long-time friend Graham Hodge,
20th August 2020 - Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman
Our special guests tonight at the 'Virtual' Folk Club are Kathryn Roberts and Sean Lakeman. We're still hoping that Kathryn and Sean will be performing in concert for us at The National Centre for Early Music, Walmgate, York on Tues Nov 17th. Meanwhile here they are with a selection of excellent clips spanning the last decade. Floor spots tonight are from Maggie and the Backroom Boys, David Swann and Stan Graham, who unveils a brand new song.
13th August 2020 - Sam Carter
Our special guest at the 'Virtual' Folk Club this week is Sam Carter who we were hoping to be seeing again at the Black Swan this October. Whatever happens we're going to try and get Sam back at the club as soon as we possibly can. Meanwhile here's a selection of songs from him dating from 2009 up to the present, which pretty much covers the time span that he's been guesting for us at the club. Floor spots tonight are from club residents Paula Ryan and David Swann plus a special appearance by Maggie and the Backroom Boys from Cottingham Folk Club.
6th August 2020 - Kenny Speirs
We would have been seeing Kenny Speirs from North of the Border as our club guest around this time but instead here he is 'virtually' Also on tonight's bill, club residents Stan Graham and Chris Euesden plus some tunes from the Magpies who we hope we'll be seeing at the club 'live' in the not too distant future.
30th July 2020 - The Churchfitters
This week's virtual club is a mix of club residents and a few of the guest artists who've provided us with some fantastic entertainment over the last few months and who we hope we'll be seeing again soon. Kicking off with Danny Pedler and Greg Russell who brought their 'Field and Dyke' concept evening to the club back in January. Club residents Steve and Dee Marshall cover Norah Jones followed by our old friends Duncan McFarlane and Anne Brivonese. Judith Haswell sings a Nanci Griffith song followed by two performers who've had successful guest nights at the club, Sunjay and Jenny Sturgeon. We finish off with 3 songs from one of our very favourite bands The Churchfitters.
23rd July 2020 - Sadie and Jay
Sadie and Jay on tour from Australia would have been over in the UK and guesting at the club round about now. But of course with things as they are they haven't made the trip over. They are 'virtually' here though and they top the bill tonight, supported by floor spots from Stan Graham, Paul Culkin and Judith Haswell...and guesting with Sadie and Jay for one song is ace guitarist Michael Fix who last played at the club with Christine Collister in September 2019. They'll both be back with us in the Autumn of 2021.
16th July 2020 - 2020 Refresh
We're reminding ourselves with tonight's 'Virtual' club about some of the great nights we've had during the months preceding the lock-down back in March. Club resident Paul Culkin kicks things off with one of his own songs 'Going Up North' and then our guests include Gilmore & Roberts, Peter Knight and John Spiers, Lisa O' Neill, Will Kaufman and The Trials of Cato.
9th July 2020 - Recent Performers
Tonight's 'Virtual' Folk Club features performers we've seen at the club during the past 12 months or so and who we hope we'll be seeing again soon. Resident Stan Graham opens up with a clip from Whitby Folk Week in 2014 and then we get a couple of songs from Eddie Walker and Frank Porter one of our first guests this year. On the classic Merle Travis song '9lb Hammer' they're joined by Steve Hicks. Next up we have Josie Duncan and Hamish MacLeod who guested in February 2020. Then the Goat Roper Rodeo Band who also last played the club in February. All the way from Kentucky we hosted the Local Honeys in January 2019 and here they are again followed by Ninebarrow who gave us a great night back in February 2019. You can catch Ninebarrow doing a live stream this Saturday 11 July at 7pm. Check out their website for further details www.ninebarrow.co.uk/trailer
2nd July 2020 - Singers Night
It's a singer's night this week with some very special; guests. Original songs from John Storey and Paul Culkin and a self composed tune from Toni Bunnell kick things off. There's some 'blues' from David Ward Maclean, an old Elvis standard from Graham Hodge, and then we have some festival clips from The Mile Roses and Jez Lowe and the Bad Pennies interspersed with another original from Edwina Hayes. Finally we once again have a special 'virtual' appearance from Bob Fox who rounds things off with 'Ramblin' Rover'.
25th June 2020 - Iain Matthews Special
It's a year ago now since the passing of our late club organiser Roland Walls who we all remember with great affection. Roland's favourite artist was Iain Matthews who appeared at the club several times, the latest appearance being on Oct 10 2019 on the Words and Music tour with writer Ian Clayton. Tonight's 'virtual' club, which Roland would have enjoyed immensely, is an Iain Matthews special introduced by club resident Stan Graham with his own song 'Fragile'
18th June 2020 - Chris and Kellie While
This week's 'virtual' club has an outdoor feel to it to tie in with the easing of the 'lockdown'. To kick off we have 'Ride On' recorded in the garden and performed by Paula Ryan, Reen Onion and Chris Bartram. Then Nerina moves indoors to do a solo version of Cold Hailey Windy Night. We're outdoors again with a festival set from Chris and Kellie While who would have been our guests this evening. This one recorded at Abbotsbury in 2015.
11th June 2020 - Singers Night
The first Thursday after our annual Folk Weekend is pretty much always a Singers Night and this year even though we're in Virtual mode the same thing applies. Stan Graham covers Gordon Lightfoot to kick things off, followed by a couple of clips from Folk Weekends gone by from White Sail and Martin Heaton. Then we have a relative newcomer to the club making her second appearance. Sharon Garner sings her own composition Ballintoy Harbour. Another local songwriter David Swann sings his own song Fair Rosedale and Les Wild who first appeared for us on last week's Playlist performs his version of Jackson Browne's These Days. Club regular Paul Culkin makes his first 'Virtual' appearance with his song 'Back to Back'. Local favourite David Ward Maclean is next up followed by a snippet from Fiona Cuthill and Stevie Lawrence at the Edinburgh Folk Club. We close tonight's session with a song from the late great Vin Garbutt . The 3rd anniversary of Vin's passing was last Saturday June 6. He will always be a Black Swan favourite.
6th June 2020 - City of York (Roland Walls) Folk Weekend
This years City Of York Folk Weekend was to have been held in memory of our long time friend and club organiser Roland Walls. Unfortunately, worldly events have meant the cancellation of many live performances, including ours. So here is our Virtual Concert in his memory. Many of the Bands, Singers and Musicians who would have been at this years event are here to add their thanks to Roland for his efforts in supporting live music in and around York.
4th June 2020 - Singers Night
As usual we have a singers night the Thurs before what would've been our annual Folk Weekend. Regulars Chris Euesden, Stan Graham and Louis Gibb are joined by Sharon Garner and Les Wild dropping in for the first time. Martyn Wyndham-Read who last played at The Black Swan in August last year accompanied by accordianist Iris Bishop provides us with a performance recorded 'down under' and local club favourites singer-songwriters Edwina Hayes and Holly Taymar join forces for an old standard accompanied by Carl Hetherington on keyboards. To round off there's a couple of songs from Bob Fox another club favourite who gave us a fine night at the club last summer. We're back with another 'Virtual' club in a few days time on Saturday to take the place of the City of York Roland Walls Folk Weekend 2020.
28th May 2020 - Katy Moffatt
We have an Americana theme tonight. The great US singer-songwriter Katy Moffatt would have been our guest tonight if not for 'lockdown',. She's provided us with some memorable nights at The Black Swan in the past and tonight she's here 'virtually'. We also have floor spots from The Richmond Hillbillies and a couple of songs from Chris Euesden who introduces the evening.
21st May 2020 - John Ward and Allan Taylor
This evening we have Judith Haswell with a couple of songs including one from the pen of Bruce Springsteen. Judith is also joined by her singing partner Trish McLean for a version of 'The Trees They Do Grow High'. Steve and Dee Marshall cover Van Morrison and Eddie Affleck performs the traditional tune 'Pretty Saro' and the old Yiddish song popularised by Joan Baez 'Donna Donna' followed by Stan Graham with his own First World War composition about 'The Bradford Pals'. Tonight at the 'real' Black Swan Folk Club the guests were to have been The John Ward Trio from Suffolk but 'virtually' we have John singing his song 'Stornoway to Lowestoft'. To round off the evening songwriter Allan Taylor gives us 'Some Dreams' one of his most popular tunes harking back to a great night with him at the club last November. We'll be seeing Allan again at the Black Swan http://www.blackswanfolkclub.org.uk/members/index.cfmin November 2021.
14th May 2020 - Roisin Ban
Another 'Virtual' Folk Club will be posted from 7pm tonight with our special guests specialising in Irish traditional music ROISIN BAN
8th May 2020 - Invited Singers
Tonight May 7 was to have been the start of a new idea. An Invitation Singers and Musicians Night where we follow the usual format but also ask a few selected performers if they'd drop in and give us a song or a tune. So tonight we have club regulars Paula Ryan, John Storey, Stan Graham, Eddie Affleck and Louis Gibb plus some old footage of Judith Haswell with her singing partner Trish Mclean from Teeside. Special invitations have been extended to The Richmond Hillbillies, Martyn Wyndham-Read, Iris Bishop and to round off the evening the late and sorely missed Vin Garbutt.
30th April 2020 - Other Roads
Tonight at the Black Swan Folk Club it was to have been a first guest appearance for the trio OTHER ROADS. Instead you can see them 'in concert' recorded in Germany a few years ago. Club regular David Swann kicks things off with a couple of his own songs and there's a special appearance from club favourite Edwina Hayes.
23rd April 2020 - Singers Night
Singers and Musicians night at the virtual Folk Club
16th April 2020 - Brooks Williams
Our second Virtual Folk Club this evening with guest Brooks Williams www.brookswilliams.com and we aren't deleting any of these events so watch it any time you want.
9th April 2020 - Chris While and Julie Matthews
Trying this out for the first time. Our first virtual club night with guests CHRIS WHILE and JULIE MATTHEWS.